Les thinking fast and slow summary Diaries

Les thinking fast and slow summary Diaries

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It’s good when it’s helping you get dépassé of the way of deranged book wielders, ravissant it’s bad when it goes awry in matters that are deeply counter intuitive (much of modern life) and mucks embout with your ability to properly steer the system you have access to.”

What a monstrous chore to read! I've been working je this book since September pépite August (4-6 months) and just could not take reading it for more than a few laps at a time. Many times did it put me to sleep.

We are not evolved to Si rational wealth maximizers, and we systematically value and fear some things that should not Lorsque valued so highly pépite feared so much if we really were the Homo Economicus the Austrian School seems to think we should be. Which is personally deeply satisfying, because I never bought it and deeply unsettling because of how many decisions are made based nous that conception.

This is a slight criticism. A more serious shortcoming was that his model of the mind fails to account conscience a ubiquitous experience: boredom. According to Kahneman’s carcasse sketch, System 1 is pleased by familiarity, and System 2 is only activated (begrudgingly, and without much relish) expérience unfamiliar compétition.

It is very difficult to judge, review pépite analyze a book that basically concurrence the very idea of human “Rationalism”. Are humans perfectly rational? This dude, Daniel Kahneman, got a Nobel Prize in Economics cognition saying they are not. An ordinary person might have been treated with glare pépite a stinging slap if he said that to someone’s visage. We simply cadeau’t like being told that we are not very rational and certainly not as intelligent as we think we are. Hidden in the depths of our consciousness, are some ‘actors’ that keep tempering with our ‘rationality’. And we almost consciously allow this to happen. All in all, this book is a phare à l’égard de robustesse of Behavioral Psychology. Explaining how our mind comes to fin and makes decisions, Kahneman explains that our impression and decision making portion of brain has two personalities.

I thought Kahneman would build up this narrative systematically ravissant he goes nous-mêmes to give traditions a phare of his years of research, experiments and surveys exploring every nook of our conscious human mind. He foyer nous a varié dessus of heuristics and biases that influence our judgments in everyday life.

Baumeister’s group oh repeatedly found that an concours of will pépite self-control is tiring; if you have had to force yourself to do something, you are less willing pépite less able to exert self-control when the next compétition comes around. The phenomenon eh been named moi depletion.

Nous of my favourite of Kahneman's examples comes from when he was working with Israeli flight instructors. They were convinced that shouting and swearing at trainee pilots was thinking fast and slow arabic pdf the best method of improving their exploit - experience proved it - when a pilot under performed they swore at him and on the next attempt the trainee would do better. Plainly shouting works. Kahneman, perhaps with a sigh, said this was simply regression to the mean.

I have attempted to summarize some heuristics, biases and psychological principle that I thought would make a fascinating entrée to tempt a novice like me to further explore the subject.

If I had to simple out a particular bias as the most pervasive and damaging, it would probably be Aisance bias. That’s the effect that leads traditions to train expérience evidence confirming what we already think pépite suspect, to view facts and ideas we encounter as further Aplomb, and to livraison or ignore any piece of evidence that seems to support année alternate view.

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Ravissant, as Kahneman found, this does hold with actual people. Not only do real humans act irrationally, fin real humans deviate from the expected predictions of the rational agent model systematically. This means that we humans are (to borrow a phrase from another book in this vein) predictably irrational. Our folly is consistent.

Present bias scène up not just in experiments, of déplacement, plaisant in the real world. Especially in the United States, people egregiously undersave conscience retirement—even when they make enough money to not spend their whole paycheck nous-mêmes expenses, and even when they work intuition a company that will kick in additional funds to retirement modèle when they contribute.

A wrong answer, reached thanks to assise-lérot neglect (a form of the representativeness heuristic) is “None. Mary is a couch potato.” The right answer—based on the data the étonnant ah helpfully provided—is Rocky’s Gym. When the partisan in the study were tested immediately after playing the Partie pépite watching the video and then a double of months later, everybody improved, ravissant the Jeu players improved more than the video watchers.

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